Anne Kellner (Mäusbacher) - Founder
Anne Kellner (Mäusbacher) - Founder


What we do to the oceans - we do to ourselves.. 


eco family - my son
eco family - my son

Most important to inspire the youth, my passionate son is a true eco warriors and support my idea and initiative from the early stages. 

On our journey to a plastic free household we are looking for alternatives to replace old plastic tools with new eco innovative materials and tools. 
The weekly garbage amount got reduced by ca. 90%: we separate organic garbage, paper, glas, and the small amount of packaging/plastic we still need to deal with. 

find Peer on insta @plastikgegner

Pulau Perhentian Kecil, Malaysia
Pulau Perhentian Kecil, Malaysia
  • Back in the 90ties I joined my first reef and beach clean-ups on a wonderful coconut palm tree island, Pulau Perhentian Kecil, Malaysia, where I ended up to stay a couple of weeks. The Perhentian Islands were once home to a significant green and hawksbill sea turtle nesting population. 
  • In 2015 I traveled with my little family to the magnificent island Ibiza and we found to much plastic trash floating in the sea and on beaches. I was shocked that nobody seemed to care about it and started to clean up every day, where ever we spent the day - and my initiative was born overnite.
  • Inspired by this experience, I have done an international management and leadership training (MOOC ML 2015) about the effects of Marine Litter (a program run by the UNEP and the Open University of the Netherlands).
  • In 2017 I have put the learnings in my book and education programm  Kids for the Ocean about marine litter including alternatives to plastic. 
  • Where ever I am, I strive collecting plastics at beaches in hope for a better marine life - a better planet -  a better future.
(© beach cleaner - founded 2015)

Kathi Liedtke-Liß, Portland
Kathi Liedtke-Liß, Portland

Partner in crime.

Kathi joins the beach cleaner board already since 2016. 

Being an ambitious working mum with a huge passion for climate change, sustainability and eco topics it was clear that we finally met and fight together for a cleaner, plastic free world. 

Kathi is a school board member and  supports us to roll out our ambassador program  "kids for the ocean" for kinder garden kids, school kids & teens and organizing beach clean ups, in America, Portland area.
(August 2016)

Kathrin Pal, Nuremberg
Kathrin Pal, Nuremberg

Kathrin supports our initiative since a couple of years already, in the school environment of the kids, in public beach cleaner events and our first ocean school in Morocco.
She is a wonderful Yoga and Life Coach, doing Cantienica and living a mindful and plastic free, sustainable lifestyle with the family. She is an absolut power house, running her own unique studio and we are very happy to have a fresh and ambitious mind on board of the beach cleaner familiy officially.

Welcome Kathrin.


More here: 

Samantha Stollenwerck-Runkel
Samantha Stollenwerck-Runkel
Sam is from California, lives in Nuremberg, is a longtime supporter of beach cleaner, and has done the translating of the book Kids for the Ocean plus photography. She is an avid traveler with her family, a wonderful singer and songwriter and currently building the platform Hey Terra Travel,  merging family travel and sustainability, to be launched in 2022.  We are super happy to have her officially on board. 


Silvia Häberlein, Nuremberg
Silvia Häberlein, Nuremberg

Silvia joined us already for a while in clean-up activities. Be it the mountains, the woods or the seaside she deeply admires the diversity and beauty of our planet. Nature gives her confidence, ease and focus. She wants to protect what she loves and that’s what brought her to beach cleaner.

Silvia will support at the educational Programm of “kids for the ocean” and at organizing beach clean up events. During her parental leave she is studying at the moment at the Leuphana Universität in Lüneburg / MBA Sustainability Management. 

(May 2020) 

Caroline Maentele, Spain
Caroline Maentele, Spain

Our latest edition to the female power house. Caro cleans beaches during her travels and hometown in southern Spain since a couple of years already. She is very active and lives a very conscious life which makes is easy and fun to follow her. We are very happy to welcome her and show her actions to the public from Southern Europe. At the moment she start with Kids Education in Sevilla, supporting the Youth and gives inspiring talks.


(Dec. 2020)