Video 1
Albatross - Midway Island - by Chris Jordan (3:49min)
Video 3
Seashepherd - If the Oceans die, we die (1:10min)
Video 5
Plankton and the impact of marine litter in our food chain?
Matthew Cole, Plymouth Marine Labs, Five Films.
Video 2
Plastik im Meer - Ocean Care (3:10min)
Ocean pollution and the challenges for marine eco system and human beings.
Video 4
What does it mean Marine Litter? UNEP, Two Minutes on Oceans
(2:13 min)
Video 7
Every single minute a truck dumps waste into the ocean..
Video 9 more videos in english hier:
Trash Talk NOAA
Video 8
The 5 Gyres from Lucie Barnett. Be part of the solution not the pollution.
Video 10
Plastik Planet von Werner Boote (1:35h)
check the english version online - sometimes there is a free version available on Youtube.
Video 11
Video 13
Microbeads, Microplastic
Video 12
The Story of Microbeads
Video 14
The story of microfibers
Video 15
95% of the fulmaris glaciaris (bird) are affected with plastic in their guts...
Video 16
Welcome to the plastic age.
Video 17
Video 19
Beach cleaner Homestory on TV
(german only)
We show it is possible to live a plasticfree live!
Video 18
River Clean UP with beach cleaner and boardnerds.
Video 20
What is needed to make plastic, what is it? (in german)