despite the rain a lot of volunteers joined another START-LOCAL campaign to clean up our own neighborhood on the Global Coastal Clean Up Day.
We met at 10am at the Beer garden Wöhrderwiese with a short briefing
from there we walked to the north and south lake side and cleaned up the new beaches.
Catch of the day:
1 bike, thousands of cigaret butts
plastic bottles, plastic bags, glas bottles, bottle tops
balloons, rest of to-go-ware out of styrofoam, tiny plastic pieces...
#ecowarriors #saynotoplastic #collectitbinitfeelgood #protecthwatyoulove #beachcleaner #globalcoastalcleanupday
thanks a lot to all the brave ecowarriors in the rain, the newspaper NZ, Sonntagsblitz and radio stations egoFM and afk MAX.
The inteview with Radio egoFM Munich can be listen and read here:
and the Media coverage